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Do I Need To Build a Business Plan When Building A Private Therapy Practice? [Show Notes]

DISCLAIMER: Information is for educational purposes. This is not legal, professional, or financial advice. Please consult with your local legal, licensing board and financial professional for specific guidance and assistance. 


business, plan, started, ideal clients, clients, work, written, therapy, struggling, detail, type, financial backing, primary, helpful, locked, formal, days, marketing strategy, schedule, dictating


Note: This video is transcribed using AI therefore some errors have occurred in the transcription of this video.


Hi, this is Alexandria Theordor from And the question that I got submitted today was, “Do you need a business plan to get your private practice up and running?” And in all honest opinion, no. And this, I admit, might be kind of an unpopular opinion. And if you are getting


any kind of financial backing, particularly like a loan, this might be a different answer. But in general, if you were just looking to start your own business by yourself, say a virtual business, there’s really not much formal business planning you need to do. Now don’t get me wrong, there are things that you have to consider. And we’re going to go over that in just a second. But if you’re feeling like you’re getting stuck on the fact that you don’t have this written proposal, or this clear, detailed explanation of how you are going to build your business, when and why, then


you don’t need to get stuck or stumble, the most important thing is just to get started. And there are some basic questions that you do need to know to get started. And one of the biggest ones is why? Why are you doing this? What is your goal behind starting your own therapy practice? Is it to get more income? Is it to have more clients that you particularly excel with? Is it to have flexibility over your schedule and your life? It’s a little bit of all of the above. Knowing your “Why” is really going to be helpful in dictating what your business is going to look like. Right? If you’re going to have a virtual business, if you’re going to have in-person business, a little bit of both, who you work with, things like that. So knowing that why is essential. And step number one, step number two, you will decide who you want to work with, like who are your ideal clients? And more specifically, where do you plan on getting them.


So that could be adults who are middle age struggling with some type of health crisis or being the sandwich generation, that could be teens who are struggling with peer pressure or addiction. You could be getting clients from word of mouth referrals, you could be getting clients from networking with peers, you could have logging as a primary modality of kind of attracting ideal clients, whatever it is, there is no wrong answer. But it all depends again, on your why right? How much time energy and money are you looking to invest, and what type of therapy clients you were looking to work with.


Anything after that, quite frankly, you can work with it, you’re going to do experiments, if the plan that you have laid out is not necessarily going to be the plan that you stick with forever. So come up with something, try it for, I’d say 90 days, this way you can get a good idea if it works or not. And if you need to tweak it, tweak it, meaning if you are going to try social media as your primary marketing strategy, give it a solid 90 days, see what leads come in, if it doesn’t come in, switch it up, right.


If you work with a certain population, right, and you think that that’s what you want to stick with, try it for 90 days, see what clients you get. And if you actually enjoy working with them, you might have an idea of who you’d like to work with. But once it comes down to the nitty-gritty, you may not enjoy it, and then be able to switch it up and expand. The whole idea of this is just getting started. You don’t need to have a formal written-out business plan.


You do need to have an idea of where you’re going and the courage to take imperfect action because the reality is, the business that you think you’re gonna have is probably going to morph once you get started. And that’s okay.


Because it’s your business, it’s your life, it’s supposed to evolve as you do. So don’t get locked out to having it written out perfectly and all planned out. get locked into why you want to do this, who you want to serve and take an extra step to get started. Now if you need help creating that action step or if you really want more details for your own peace of mind. Let’s reach out let’s talk about it. Let’s figure out what works for you so you can come up with that 90-day plan. I will link my information down below this way we can always schedule a power hour to discuss all these things. But for now, I hope that this was helpful and is the motivational push to get you started. Get some action. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You definitely don’t need to write out a full business plan and start helping people I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Bye-bye.

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Hello, I’m Alexandria Theordor, a life-first business strategies helping therapists create a private practice that prioritizes their personal life and values. My goal is to help you achieve the freedom to focus on what matters most: health, wealth, and relationships. Whether it’s through my consulting services or online resources, I’m here to provide the guidance and support you need to succeed in your business endeavors. My aim is to help you gain the confidence and knowledge necessary to launch your own profitable practice.

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