Affiliate Programs Disclosure

All of the links on this webpage are affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission if you click on the link or make a purchase using the link. When you make a purchase, the price you pay will be the same whether you use the affiliate link or go directly to the vendor’s website using a non-affiliate link.

For your convenience we have listed some of our affiliate partners here: Amazon, Headway, Alma, Kate Doster, Elizabeth Goddard, Tonic Site Shop, Branden Drake LLC, Canva, Mailerlite, ConvertKit, WordHero AI, ThriveCart, Airtable, System io, United, SimplePractice, Liz Wilcox, Dropbox, Rakuten.

Though the products may not created by us, our opinions of the products are entirely our own. We only recommend products that we love and stand behind in hopes they help you as much as they helped us. By using the affiliate links, you are helping support this website, and I genuinely appreciate your support as it helps me to continue to create content such as this.

Free Insurance Billing & EHR Platform with Headway

Headway has been such a help to my practice when I first started out, I want you to have the same success. To help motivate you to take action towards opening your dream practice, when you sign up for Headway using my affiliate link, I will enroll you (free of charge) into my instant download course Stress Less About Starting A Private Practice. The combination of Headway and my course guidance will set you up for success on your path to business ownership.

Best yet…. all at no cost to you. [If once you try Headway for 90 days and find it’s not right for you, no worries. Keep the course as a gift from me to you for giving Headway a chance.]

How to qualify: sign up and complete the intake/onboarding application with Headway. Email me a copy of your signup confirmation to for proof of enrollment. Once I confirm with Headway that you have been referred using my affiliate link, I will enroll you in the course under the email that you reached out to me. [Already have my course and want to enroll in Headway, get $97 in store credit to use towards any of my other digital courses.]

If you are stuck on what to write or how to write your progress notes, the Practice Planners series are great resources for how to word your interventions. Below are the current publications that they have available:

These publications are a great tool for getting ideas as to what interventions and goals to use with clients as well as gives examples of how to best word the interventions when crafting your treatment plan.

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Don’t Forget to Maximize Your Savings With Rakuten

If you are not familiar with Rakuten, it is a program that pays you to shop. I use it all the time for my online shopping as it gives me bonus cash back deals on things I am already shopping for.

As an extra special treat, anyone who joins using this referral code and spends $40 in qualifying purchases (within 90 days of joining) gets $40 in cash back deals added to their account. Learn more here.

So far Rakuten has saved me $483 dollars by sending me a check every few months with my cash back bonus (and this is not including my husbands account). Be sure to sign up for Rakuten now before you dive into all your Black Friday shopping.

Open a Business Credit Card and Collect Miles for Your Vacations

Let’s face it, you are going to have business expenses. Office equipment, electronic medical records, telehealth technology, all of which are most likely being paid on a credit card anyway. [Because lets be real, who pays for anything in cash anymore.] You can absolutely use your business debit card, OR you can open a business credit card and collect the miles/cashback bonuses for each purchase. I personally love my Chase card, but many insurance companies have options for you to check out.

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Bookkeeping Blueprint from Branden Drake LLC ($10)

I used to sell an Excel spreadsheet myself for keeping track of my practice accounting, but when I saw that Branden was selling something similar for a quarter of the price, I couldn’t in good conscious continue to promote mine (at least without mentioning his first).

Tax Toolbox from Branden Drake LLC ($30)

Trademark Quickie Search from Branden Drake LLC ($50)

Contract Club from Branden Drake LLC ($30) — An Alex Favorite

When establishing a contract as a private practice therapist, it is essential to outline the details of the therapeutic relationship, including topics like confidentiality agreements, boundaries, and goals for treatment. The contract should clearly define the responsibilities and expectations of both the therapist and client which ensures transparency and sets the foundation for a productive and respectful therapeutic alliance. Branden’s Contract Club makes it ridiculously easy to draft your own contract that you can use as is, or have reviewed by an attorney for added protection. Read more about therapy contracts in my blog post: Therapy Contracts 101: The 8 Non-Negotiables You Need to Know

Legally Launched from Branden Drake LLC ($10)

Unf*ck Your Biz Book/Audio Book from Branden Drake LLC

Facebook Ads Bootcamp ($25)

This Facebook Ads for List Building Bootcamp is offered in 2 formats: live and evergreen (meaning you can buy the recording at any time).

When I participated in the bootcamp, it was run live from January 15-19, 2024. I paid $10. Note: the live version of this bootcamp is only run a few times a year (I think quarterly but I could be wrong on that).

The evergreen course is the same program (actually it is the recordings from the live event) and it sells for $25 on his website.

In my opinion, the Facebook Ads for List Building Bootcamp price is a STEAL regardless of the format you get it. I don’t know any online educators that sell a 5 day bootcamp for that price, or even close to it. I myself have paid over $900 for similar trainings and the level and quality of customer service did not come close. [Full transparently, I ended up getting a refund for that $900 training before it started because they canceled the coaching program which was a primary goal of my order. Instead they replaced 6 weekly coaching hour calls with one 60-minute live coaching call on a set date that was non negotiable even though I had paid before they made the change. — A different story for a different day. ]

Read my full testimonial in my blog post: The Facebook Ads for List Building Bootcamp – Zach Spuckler: What You Need To Know (Complete Review)


Group Coaching & Courses ($69/month)

I literally had to have my husband talk me out of joining Zach’s membership this year because I had so many continuing education courses on my “to do” list, I (and he) knew I couldn’t possibly take full advantage of what Zach had to offer until I made a dent into what I already had. Rest assured, I will be a member at some time because the group calls alone are worth the price of admission. I love Zach’s no BS attitude– he is like the protective big brother who will show you exactly what you need to do, but is not afraid to give you some love either. In his monthly membership he goes deeper into Facebook ads, more specifically how to retarget past customers and your current audience (not cold leads) as well as how to do an in depth analysis to you know exactly how your money is working for you.

Here is what you can expect each month in his membership:

  1. An Action Plan/Road Map – Each month, Zach releases a strategic action plan in the form of a PDF, workbook, and/or video training that covers the topic for that month in a way that is easily digestible and equips you to take immediate action. The goal is NOT to cram your brain with a lot of new information, but to teach you ONE new strategy you can use to scale your business and give you clear directions on how to effectively implement it right away.
  2. A LIVE Training on The Monthly Topic Plan – Each month, you can hop on a live training call with Zach (and/or a guest expert) where they teach you everything you need to know about that month’s topic and strategy, so you have a deeper understanding of the content and a clear picture for how you’re going to crush your goals for the month. During the call, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the monthly strategy.
  3. An Implementation Week – This part of the framework is what really sets Zach and his team apart from most programs and courses out there (and why bootcamp was such a success for me personally). A lot of different business development resources give a ton of great ideas and mindset tips but rarely a step by step action plan on how to implement the strategies discussed. Zach creates a monthly challenge where he breaks down the tasks from the monthly action plan and drip-feeds them to the community — This dedicated time to take action was the game-changer for me when it came to learning and understanding Facebook ads. [If you are someone that needs an accountability buddy to get things done….this is for you.]
  4. A Live Monthly Group “Coffee, Conversations, and Coaching” Call – Zach hosts live monthly calls called: Coaching, Coffee, and Conversations Chat where you can come and ask all the questions you want/need. Join live or submit your questions in advance– the goal is to help you get unstuck so you can continue to take imperfect action. [He actually hosts 2 a month to accommodate different time zones.]

​>>> Click Here to Join Not Your Average Membership

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Liz Wilcox’s $9/month Email Marketing Membership — Alex Top Pick

In today’s digital age, email marketing can be a game-changer for expanding your impact and building meaningful relationships with those in need of your services. Imagine having the ability to directly engage with potential clients, offering them valuable insights and support right to their inbox. With the right email marketing strategies, you can effectively build your list, craft compelling content, and ultimately maximize your outreach as a private practice therapist. Learn more about the importance of email marketing as a private practice owner in my blog post: 5 Email Marketing Content Ideas Every Therapist Needs to Know NOW!

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Mailerlite: Email Marketing Managment Software- Free until you reach 1,000 Subscribers

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Deliverability Unboxed: Stay Out of Google Jail By Authenticating Your Email


Group Coaching & Courses ($69/month)

I spoke about it above in the paid ads section but it is worth mentioning again here since Zach’s membership is so robust with its offerings. In addition to paid ads, Zach helps business owners learn the business basics of sales and marketing. Can you learn this on your own? Yes, but with A LOT of time and tiral and error (trust me I know because I have done it). I truely beleive that if I knew of Zach right off the bat, I could have easily shaved 6-9 months of learning off my timeline. His teaching style is just that good.

Again, here is what you can expect each month in his membership:

  1. An Action Plan/Road Map – Each month, Zach releases a strategic action plan in the form of a PDF, workbook, and/or video training that covers the topic for that month in a way that is easily digestible and equips you to take immediate action. The goal is NOT to cram your brain with a lot of new information, but to teach you ONE new strategy you can use to scale your business and give you clear directions on how to effectively implement it right away.
  2. A LIVE Training on The Monthly Topic Plan – Each month, you can hop on a live training call with Zach (and/or a guest expert) where they teach you everything you need to know about that month’s topic and strategy, so you have a deeper understanding of the content and a clear picture for how you’re going to crush your goals for the month. During the call, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the monthly strategy.
  3. An Implementation Week – This part of the framework is what really sets Zach and his team apart from most programs and courses out there (and why bootcamp was such a success for me personally). A lot of different business development resources give a ton of great ideas and mindset tips but rarely a step by step action plan on how to implement the strategies discussed. Zach creates a monthly challenge where he breaks down the tasks from the monthly action plan and drip-feeds them to the community — This dedicated time to take action was the game-changer for me when it came to learning and understanding Facebook ads.
  4. A Live Monthly Group “Coffee, Conversations, and Coaching” Call – Zach hosts live monthly calls called: Coaching, Coffee, and Conversations Chat where you can come and ask all the questions you want/need. Join live or submit your questions in advance– the goal is to help you get unstuck so you can continue to take imperfect action. [He actually hosts 2 a month to accommodate different time zones.]

Click Here to Join Not Your Average Membership

ThriveCart: Sales Pages, Payment Collection, Course & Membership Platform

BONUS DEAL: When you purchase ThriveCart using my affiliate link, I will give you my masterclass: How to Create Digital Products for Passive Income (just send me a copy of your receipt and I will unlock the course)

For a my comprehensive review of ThriveCart, click here.

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Denise Duffield-Thomas

Denise is a laid back business owner who has a great relaxed viewpoint on building a lifestyle centered around your passions and manifesting the money to support it. Chill & Prosper is one of her newer books. She has also published 3 other books about manifestation and money mindset, all of which are fantastic and worth the read.

Out of the three money mindset coach, Denise has a “California beach” vibe.

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Amanda Frances

Out of the three money mindset coach, Amanda is very much an “LA” vibe. Her teaching style is not for everyone but I very much appreciate her no BS approach to business and that she is unapologetically herself. Amanda is the perfect example of how consistent imperfect action can build you the business of your dreams. Also, to be unashamed to price your services at what they are valued at… no apologies. Her book “Rich as F*ck” is a great way to get your feet wet with her as her courses are expensive (great, but pricy).

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Kate Northrup

I appreciate how Kate thinks of money in a holistic sense and considers the connections between business ownership and physical health. For someone who likes “whoo-whoo” Kate’s book Money: A Love Story is great at connecting the spiritual and the practical. Out of the three money mindset coach, Kate has a “Maine/New England” vibe.

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Amanda Frances’s Money Mentality Makeover (Online Course)

It amazes me how many therapist I meet are “allergic” to money. I see it when they are afraid to follow up on a cancelation policy, or stressing over if they should raise their rate. The reality is, you are providing a SERVICE and DESRERVE to be compensated appropriately. You wouldn’t expect to go to the doctor for free, or to call a plumber for an emergency service and have it “on the house.” So why as therapists, do we pressure ourselves charge as little for our services as possible. I really appreciate Amanda’s no BS attitude and find here courses a fantastic model of imperfect action. She only opens Money Mentality Makeover a few times a year, however if you are looking to learn more about it you can click on the waitlist page here. I am currently enrolled in Drop The Money Struggle and the Holiday Business Bundle and am very much enjoying both. She also recently launched Money Mama, a program specifically for Moms and business ownership, which I excited to learn more about.

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