Say Goodbye to Burnout and Low Pay: Build a Life That Prioritizes YOU

Join Our Group Coaching Program To Build a Thriving Virtual Private Practice with Freedom and Flexibility to Live the Life that Prioritizes You and Your Needs.

For years, Emma had poured her heart and soul into her role as a clinical social worker at the local mental health outpatient center.

She worked diligently, day in and day out, to help clients find their strength and overcome their deepest fears. However, each time she approached her superiors with hopes of a well-deserved raise, her dreams were shattered by a resounding no.

“Not enough room in the budget.”

“Maybe next year”

“Lets revisit this at your next annual review”

All things she had heard before and always ended in the same result.

Despite having a Masters Degree from a prestigious university she was stuck making $25/hr.

It didn’t matter how many additional certifications Emma got, or how much overtime she clocked in attending to paperwork and client crisis management…

She felt trapped.

Burnout began to take hold of Emma’s spirit as exhaustion seeped deeper into every fiber of her being.

Are You Currently Working At An Agency Job That…

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Doesn’t respect your personal time

No matter how much you do it is never enough. There is always more work to be done so you end up staying late or worse bringing paperwork (and worries) home with you. All you want is to be able to watch Food Network with your husband in peace but instead your mind is at the office trying to figure out how to get all your notes done before the team meeting on Thursday.

man covering face with both hands while sitting on bench

Assigns you clients that you do not want or feel prepared to support

A pit of dread hits the stomach as you see a new name on your client roster. The idea of adding one more person to your already overscheduled day is sickening. To top it off, after doing a quick skim of the intake paperwork, you notice this person is a high risk and is going to need extra clinical attention…something that you do not have the bandwidth for. It’s not fair…to you or to them. But what choice do you have?

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Leaves you constantly worried about money

At under $30/hour, the ping of “was it worth it” crosses your mind as you see friends and family with less education make double and triple your salary. Living on a salary that hardly covers student loans is a sick joke.

“How is it that with a Masters degree, I need a second job to cover my expenses?”

Stop Accepting Underpaid Agency Jobs

You Deserve More

Becoming your own boss allows you to build a work environment where you THRIVE not just survive.

In the midst of despair, new aspirations flickered within her

The idea of building her own private practice where she could have more control over her work and create meaningful change on a more personal level became an intoxicating possibility.

Emma’s dream of owning her own private practice had finally become a reality.

She transformed a barren office into a haven that built her a life centered around health, wealth, and meaningful relationships. The walls were adorned with motivational quotes and uplifting artwork, setting the tone for clients to begin their journey towards healing.

Emma met regularly in collaboration with like-minded professionals who shared her passion for holistic well-being, not just for the clients but for themselves as well.

Within a supportive community, Emma created a business she was proud to own.

Her business philosophy incorporated not only mental health but also physical and financial wellness – emphasizing the importance of balance in all areas of life.

As word spread about her unique approach, more and more people flocked to Emma’s practice seeking guidance on their path to self-discovery and empowerment. With each success story that she witnessed unfold under her care,

Emma felt an overwhelming sense of fulfillment knowing that she was making a difference in the lives of others while staying true to her core values – health, wealth, and meaningful relationships.

Prioritize Health

With the flexibility of private practice, build a schedule that supports your physical and mental health. Never have to ask for permission to take a vacation or see a doctor every again. Work exclusively with ideal clients who spark your creativity and purpose, not drain all your mental and emotional empathy.

Build Financial Freedom

Money is an amplifier. Creating an abundant stream of income will help you to do more good. While it’s tempting to lower prices to attract more clients, it’s important to remember that not every client is the right fit for your private practice.  Charge the value of transformation you are providing and attract clients who appreciate your work with them. This reduces the risk of resentment, therefore allowing you more space (emotionally and financially) to put more good out in the world.

Grow Meaningful Relationships

Life is so much more than what is found within the therapy room. Spending time with friends and family not only is the perfect reset after a busy week, but creates a full and robust life. It is important to nurture these relationships, as like anything they take time and effort to grow and develop. Private Practice makes it easy to prioritize your relationship needs AND still have a career you love.

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Hi, I’m Alexandria — your mentor and coach on this private practice journey.

For years I struggled with resentment and burnout after pouring my heart into an agency that didn’t respect me back. At a tipping point I could no longer ignore, I took a leap of faith and quit my stable agency job for the rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship by opening my virtual private practice.

My only regret… not doing it sooner.

Today, I am on a mission to help other mental health professionals bet on themselves and build a career that prioritizes and respects their unique needs and values.

Private practice has been a GAME CHANGER for my life and my family, and I want to help others do the same.

Private Practice is the Solution

Insurance or private pay? Individual or group work? There are many ways to build a successful private practice. The secret is finding the path highlights your unique skillsets and prioritizes you.

Lets work together to determine what type of business will have you feeling fulfilled in all aspects of life: physically, mentally, relationally and financially.

As a Private Practice Owner You Can

As a mental health therapist, building your own schedule can have numerous benefits for your overall well-being and professional success. By taking control of your schedule, you can…

  • Prioritize self-care, which can lead to reduced burnout and increased job satisfaction.
  • Maximize profits by allowing you to focus on high-value activities and eliminate time-wasting tasks.
  • Achieve a better work-life balance, allowing you to pursue hobbies and spend time with loved ones outside of work.

I understand the importance of these benefits in your life, which is why I’ve designed a group coaching program specifically for mental health therapists like you. This program will help you learn how to take control of your schedule, optimize your time, and achieve a better work-life balance.

In this program, you’ll get access to personalized guidance, powerful tools, and a supportive community of like-minded therapists. As a group, we will help you identify your priorities, set realistic goals, and develop a personalized plan that works for you.

Don’t wait any longer to take control of your life and your career. Join our group coaching program today and start living the life you deserve!

Are you tired of struggling to attract clients who don’t understand or appreciate the value of your work? Being seen as an expert in your field can be the key to unlocking the door to your dream clients. When you’re recognized as an authority in your niche, you attract clients who are excited to work with you and who understand the value of the results you can provide.

Not only does being seen as an expert attract the right clients to your business, but it also allows you to work with clients who are a perfect fit for your skills and expertise. When you’re working in your zone of genius, you’re able to provide exceptional results that truly make a difference in your clients’ lives. This not only benefits your clients, but it also boosts your reputation and credibility as an expert in your field.

By joining our group coaching program, you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to position yourself as an expert in your industry. You’ll discover the strategies and techniques that will help you showcase your expertise and attract your ideal clients. Our program is designed to help you gain the confidence and skills you need to take your business to the next level.

Don’t let the struggle of attracting the wrong clients hold you back any longer. Join our group coaching program today and start attracting the ideal clients who will help you build your reputation and achieve the success you deserve!

Starting your own private practice can allow you to set your own fees and create a business that is profitable. You can also choose to work with clients who can afford to pay for your services, which means that you can focus on delivering high-quality care without worrying about money.

Knowing how to price your services is crucial to the success of your business. A large part of this is understanding what makes you unique and sets you apart from the competition so you can pricing your services appropriately.

Undercharging can not only hurt your bottom line but could also damage your reputation in the long run.

So, how do you attract the right clients without undercharging? Here are some tips:

  1. Identify Your Target Client: Determine who would benefit the most from your services and focus your marketing efforts on them.
  2. Showcase Your Expertise: Highlighting your high-quality work can establish credibility with potential customers.
  3. Emphasize Value: Focus on the value you provide compared to your competitors instead of just highlighting low prices.

By considering what truly differentiates you and charging accordingly, you are more likely to attract loyal customers who recognize the value of your work.

Confidence in your pricing can lead to better profits and more enjoyable engagements with appreciative clients. You work hard for your clients and deserve to be compensated accordingly.

If you are struggling with pricing your services and attracting the right clients, it’s time to take your business to the next level. Join our group coaching program and learn how to price your services appropriately and attract the right clients without undercharging.

Working in high-stress agency jobs can be exhausting, both physically and mentally. As a therapist, you are dealing with clients who may have experienced trauma or are struggling with mental health issues. This can be emotionally taxing, and if you don’t have enough resources to support yourself, you may experience burnout.

Starting your own private practice can help you to create a schedule that works for you, and you can set boundaries that allow you to recharge and take care of yourself.

For me, I see 3 clients in the morning and 3 in the afternoon. I choose to work 1-2 evening a week and on those days I enjoy a leisurly morning with my family and start my day at noon.

Not a morning person? Have your day start in the afternoon every day.

No mental bandwidth for narcissistic personality disorder? Refer these clients to a peer who loves working with them.

Experienced a recent family death and not ready to take on any grief/loss clients? No problem. You are the boss and have 100% control over who gets added to your schedule.

This is your practice, you build it in a way that protects yourself and maximizes your mental and physical health.

I don’t know about you, but I do my best work when I am in an environment that is tailor made for my needs.

For me, I thrive in having an office that is comfortable yet organized. Seeing clients on a regular schedule and having set breaks in my day.

As a private practice owner, I have complete control to build my day in a way that works best for me. No more double booking appointments in case someone cancels last minute (I never understood why agencies did this). Good-bye back to back heavy cases without breathing room in between. Yes to a full 1 hour (or more) lunch break that is ACTUALLY A BREAK.

It is time to…

  • Create a space that is comfortable and welcoming for your clients.
  • Choose the type of therapy that you want to offer and the hours you want to work.
  • Only work with clients who are a good fit for your skills and experience, helping you feel more fulfilled in your work.

What are you waiting for?

Starting a private therapy practice can be an excellent way to build generational wealth. Here are five ways how:

  1. Income diversification – Starting a private therapy practice can diversify your income stream. Rather than relying on a single employer or source of income, you can have multiple revenue streams from various clients. This can help to mitigate risks associated with relying on a single source of income.
  2. Potential for high earnings – As a private therapist, you can set your own rates and schedule, which can lead to higher earnings. With a growing demand for mental health services, private therapists can charge a premium for their expertise and experience.
  3. Ability to scale your business – As your private therapy practice grows, you can hire additional therapists to work under your brand. This can help you to scale your business, increase your client base and boost your income.
  4. Building a valuable asset – A successful private therapy practice can be a valuable asset that can be sold or passed down to future generations. With the right branding and marketing strategy, your practice can establish a strong reputation in the community and be a valuable asset that can provide a steady stream of income for years to come.
  5. Tax benefits – Starting a private therapy practice can provide you with a range of tax benefits, including business expense deductions, tax credits for hiring employees, and the ability to establish a retirement plan.

Starting a private therapy practice can be an excellent way to build generational wealth. By diversifying your income stream, maximizing your earnings potential, scaling your business, building a valuable asset, and taking advantage of tax benefits, you can create a stable and prosperous financial future for yourself and your family.

An uncompassionate and self-centered boss can make work life a living nightmare. You know the person I am talking about…

insensitive to the needs and feelings of their employees

only cares about their own agenda

has zero respect for boundaries as they text you at all hours of the night

has a tendency to add high acuity clients to your already packed schedule the last minute

As a private practice owner, being your own boss comes with many perks. Firstly, you have complete control over your schedule, giving you the flexibility to work when it suits you best. This is especially beneficial if you have personal commitments or need to take time off for personal reasons. Additionally, you have the ability to set your own rates and choose the types of clients you want to work with. This allows you to focus on your areas of expertise and attract clients who align with your values and approach. Finally, as a private practice owner, you have the freedom to make decisions about the direction of your business and have the satisfaction of seeing your hard work pay off. Overall, being your own boss as a private practice owner can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding career.

As a therapist, you are no stranger to long hours, high stress and burnout. However, by starting a private practice you can break free from the 9-5 grind and work a schedule that prioritizes your LIFE not your job.

Want to go on an impromptu vacation with your partner?

Need a mental health day to rest and recharge?

Want to plan yearly time off around the holidays without having to “bank seniority” or take turns with other coworkers?

Managing a chronic illness where you have no control over your “bad days” and need a flexible schedule to manage your symptoms and appointments.

With some preplanning, the right resource and mindset, you can build your practice so you can take as much or as little time off you you want and need. In our group coaching program, you can learn how to take control of your time and never have to ask for permission to take time off again.

Join the group coaching calls to discuss how to set boundaries with your clients, manage your time effectively, and build a sustainable and profitable practice. You will also have the opportunity to receive support in between weekly group coaching calls, by checking in with your peers in the private VIP Facebook group

With these resources at your disposal, you can take control of your time and build a practice that meets your needs and allows you to live the life you want. No more asking for permission to take time off – you are the boss now.

Have you every been…

  • Stuck in monthly office meetings that should have just been an email.
  • Forced to attend the company Christmas party when you know all well you would rather be home with your family.
  • Burned by the bosses pet as they talk behind your back making you look like a bumbling idiot

These are nightmares from the past that no longer exist in private practice.

By starting your own private practice, you can create a work environment that fits your own values and beliefs. You can choose who you work with and how you work, without having to worry about navigating the complex web of office politics. This allows you to focus on what you do best – helping those in need.

Working in an optimal environment is like planting a seed in the perfect soil, with just the right amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients. When the conditions are ideal, the seed will sprout and begin to grow into a strong and healthy plant. Similarly, when you work in an environment that supports your growth, you are able to thrive and develop your skills and abilities to their fullest potential. Just as a plant needs the right conditions to grow, you need the right resources, support, and encouragement to become the best version of yourself. When you have these things, you can reach new heights and achieve your goals with ease.

Receive personalized coaching and support within a group setting filled with likeminded peers.

What is included in the Group Program?

Your 12 Week Membership Includes…

  • 12 Week Membership to a Private VIP Facebook Group: This VIP Facebook group will be your home base where you can connect with others. Use this as a safe space to get feedback on your marketing, copywriting, Psychology Today profiles and more as well as ask questions to your peers between group coaching calls.
  • LIVE 60 Minute Weekly Group Coaching Session hosted by Alexandria Theordor herself where we will hold “open office hour” style conversations to help you get unstuck and answer any questions you have about private practice start up.
  • Never Miss a Coaching Call with Weekly Recordings: Group coaching recordings are available in the VIP Facebook Group for review at your own time and speed. All group members have access to these calls to watch at their leisure and on repeat for the duration of their group program membership.
  • Accountability: Members are encouraged to participate in weekly check-ins within the VIP Facebook Group on your goals and action steps to help you turn your dream practice into a reality
  • Motivation and Inspiration from hearing others stories, successes and challenges. Working together as a group, we are encouraged to support each other, which includes benefiting from everyone’s collective knowledge and experiences.
  • Lifetime Access to a Private Resource Library: Lessons will be added to the resource library regularly which cover private practice start up topics (see full list below) as well as more in depth answers to questions addressed in group coaching.
  • Bonus: Instant and Lifetime Access to the Pre-Recorded Course “Stress Less About Starting Your Private Practice” ($97 Value)
  • Bonus: Instant and Lifetime Access to the Pre-Recorded Course “Grow Your Therapy Practice With Blogging” ($197 Value)
  • Bonus: Instant and Lifetime Access to the Pre-Recorded Course “Diversify Your Income Using Content Marketing” ($297 Value)

Topics Open for Group Discussions and Resource Library:

Proper Credentials Needed to Open a Private Practice
Education and Reference Material on Various Business Structures
Tips on Picking a Practice Name
Information on How to Register for a NPI Number
Information on How to Register for a EIN Number
Reference Material on How To Register Your Business with the State
Malpractice and other insurances
Information on the Required Paperwork for Client Onboarding
What to Include in Good Faith Estimates
Answers to What Are Business Associate Agreements and When Do You Need Them
How to Decide What Insurances (if any) to Accept and How To Bill Using Headway or Alma
Group Members are Given a Financial Tracker to Monitor Income and Expenses
Marketing Strategies: Blogging, Social Media, Email Marketing, etc.
Craft the Perfect Psychology Today Profiles
Brand Building
Networking Tips and a Tracker to Monitor Professional Resources
Ethical Client Retention Strategies to Maximize Your Therapeutic Impact and Revenue
How to Obtain Clinical Supervision & Consultation
Ideas on How to Protect Yourself Financially During Slow Seasons

Note: During the Founding Member Round resource library lessons will be provided as dripped content as they are personalized to the unique challenges and questions of the founding members. All members upon joining will have immediate access to the following courses: Stress Less About Starting Your Private Practice, Grow Your Therapy Practice With Blogging, & Diversify Your Income Using Content Marketing

During the Group Coaching Program, You Will…

1 1

Gain Support from Other Budding Private Practice Owners

This group program is an opportunity to connect with other mental health therapists who are also building their private practices, allowing you to learn from their experiences and build a supportive network.

2 1

Create a Solid Business Plan Unique to You

Learn about things like selecting a business structure, how to register for a tax ID, and the importance of opening a business bank account with pre-recorded lessons from the resource library. Bring your specific questions to the weekly group coaching call.

4 2

Niche Down By Selecting Your Ideal Client

Our empathetic skillset makes therapist some of the best marketers. Get coached on copywriting strategy and use the VIP Facebook group as a forum to gain feedback and edits on your copywriting.


Learn How to Develop a Strong Online Presence That Builds Trust and Authority

Visibility is key, and living in a digital world that means having an online presence is a must. This program discusses various ways to claim your corner of the internet using blogging and social media.


Know Exactly What Paperwork is Needed and How to Get It Set Up

One of the most difficult things of starting a business from scratch is getting all the paperwork organized. Together we will discuss what is required to start your bossiness as well as where to get templets to help ease the creation process.


Network with Professional Peers Without Feeling Like a Salesman

Building “professional friendships” is one of the best ways to gain referrals as well as a positive reputation. In our group program we will discuss ways to build those collaborative relationships by looking at how leading with services is the best investment you can make in your business


Access Financial Tracking Tools

All group members are given an Excel tracker sheet designed specifically for tracking income and expenses as a private practice owner. This tracker keeps your numbers neat and organized, making your accountant very happy come April 15th.

3 1

Gain Ideas on How to Diversify Your Income to Build Financial Freedom

Diversifying income is a smart move regardless of profession but is essential for private practice owners in order to prepare for slow seasons, vacation time, and unplanned days off. Learn ways to ethically build non clinical passive income as well as other clinical services to add to your therapy practice.


Craft your Perfect Elevator Pitch

Have confidence in knowing exactly what to say, when someone asks you the question: “so what do you do for work?” A simple yet creative answer can leave a memorable impression, maximizing potential referrals.


Write Your Discover Call Script to Screen Potential Clients

Discovery calls are a great way to screen perspective clients to see if they are a good fit for the work that you do. Learn how to maximize this call so you can build report while also collecting the information you need.


Develop a Strong Psychology Today Profile That Makes the Top of the List

Psychology Today is one of the best referral sources for therapists as it is so well know. Learn what makes your Psychology Profile stand out by utilizing the pre-recorded lessons and coaching calls.


Develop Copywriting Skills the Speak Directly to Your Ideal Client

Don’t make the mistake of listing your credentials on your website or Psychology Today profile as if it is an extension of your resume. This program will teach you a simple, yet effective copywriting formula to help you hook your clients interest in the first few lines of text.

social work progress notes

Unlock Your Potential: Build a Thriving Private Practice

Every therapist is unique, and we will work with you to create a personalized plan that fits your goals and needs. Our program is designed to be flexible, allowing you to work at your own pace while still receiving the structured support and guidance you need to succeed.

You May Be Wondering…

I am not going to lie, it’s tough but doable. If you can squeeze 1-2 hours a day and use them towards building your private practice, you can get yourself up and running in about 60 days or less. Ways you can find that 1-2 hours a day are:

  • Skipping one TV show at night
  • Getting up one hour earlier
  • Staying up one hour later
  • Put in 5 hours on the weekend and skip doing anything during the workweek itself

I also discuss this topic more in depth in my blog post: “The Side Hustle Struggle: How to Make Time for Your Private Practice”

As of now, calls are scheduled to be conducted online via video conferencing on Thursdays from 12pm to 1pm EST. An email reminder with the video link will be sent to all group program participants 24hrs before the scheduled meeting. Recordings are available within 24hrs for those who were unable to participate and can be found in the VIP Facebook group. Questions can also be asked in the Facebook group to be answered by other group members.

Though it is not mandatory, it is encouraged that all attendees have their video on during the call to build a sense of community.

Deciding to start your own clinical practice is a big step in your career as a clinician, and it’s natural to have doubts about your own abilities. The fact that you are even asking yourself this question shows that you are a good clinician.

There are a few key factors to consider when determining whether or not you’re ready to take this leap.

First and foremost, it’s important to assess your clinical skills and experience. Do you feel confident in your ability to provide high-quality care to your clients? Have you had enough experience in your field to be able to handle a wide variety of cases? If you’re not sure, consider seeking out additional training or supervision to boost your skills.

This group program is led by an experienced business owner (myself, Alexandria Theordor) who has successfully built her own private practice from the ground up. I will be sharing my firsthand knowledge of the challenges and obstacles you may face, as a way to help you fast-track your growth and profitability. The group community is designed to provide you with practical guidance and tools to overcome the dips of business ownership. Perfection is not required, only faith, motivation, and a willingness to learn.

Ultimately, the decision to start your own clinical practice is a personal one, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

It sounds as if you are looking for clinical supervision or at minimum a peer consultation group to discuss your current client situations. This is not something you will find in this group as it is centered around business strategy, marketing skills, copywriting, networking, self care, etc.

Any clinical related topics: is treatment planning, assessments, diagnosis, crisis management/risk assessment should be brought to a clinical supervisor. A list of available clinical supervisors can be found in the NASW directory or other similar professional groups.

If you are uncertain of your problems fall into the business or clinical category, please reach out to Alexandria prior to purchasing the program in order to decide if it is a good fit as well as point you in the direction of helpful resources that match your specific situation (if needed). Questions can be emailed to:

IMPORTANT DISCLAMER: Alexandria Theordor (owner of Stress Less Enterprises LLC) is a mandated reporter meaning that if it is made known or suspected that a child or vulnerable population is being abused or neglected in any way, the appropriate authorities will be informed to conduct further investigation. Examples of vulnerable parties include but are not limited to: children under the age of 18, individuals that are unable to care for or advocate for themselves such as the elderly or individuals with developmental/intellectual/physical disabilities and are not of their own guardianship. Alexandria Theordor is also mandated to report to the proper authorities if it has been made aware that a professional is NOT appropriately responding to a mandatory reporting event as required by law.

Additional time in the program can be purchased at time of graduation. Twelve weeks was strategically picked to help you get your business off the ground in a 90 day time period and build urgency. Otherwise procrastination will always win.

The support provided in the group program is through the VIP Facebook community and weekly group coaching calls. If you prefer 1:1 in addition to or in preplacement of group coaching, it can be purchased separately. Information on 1:1 coaching packages can be found here.

Similar to group therapy, members in the VIP Facebook group community is encouraged to participate and support each other with the Coach in the background moderating the conversations. Like any good facilitator, Alexandria will make comments as appropriate however 1:1 coaching will occur during the prearranged group coaching call. Alexandria will be reviewing and commenting as needed to Facebook posts 2x daily, Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST (no holidays and weekends).

Facebook posts that are deemed as bullying, harassment, or inappropriate in content will be removed from the group. Alexandria will send a private message to the author explaining reason for removal. If a post removal is required to occur three times or more from a single author, the identified author will be removed from the group immediately and will not be eligible for a refund on unused program time.

Here are some topics that could be considered as such:

  1. Hate speech or discriminatory language targeting a particular race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation.
  2. Personal attacks or insults directed towards group members or individuals outside the group.
  3. Threats or intimidation towards others.
  4. Sharing private or sensitive information about another person without their consent.
  5. Posting graphic or violent content that may be disturbing or triggering to some members.
  6. Spamming the group with irrelevant or commercial content.
  7. Using the group for illegal activities or promoting illegal behavior.
  8. Trolling or intentionally causing arguments or disruption in the group.

It’s important to remember that Facebook groups are meant to be a safe and supportive space for members to connect and share information. The identified behavior expectations additionally extend to the group coaching calls.

At this time, this course is designed to discuss what types of paperwork are required as well as a brief description what is typically found in the identified paperwork. This course does not provide exact word for word templates of what to include. For that we discuss various products/services available to help you create your specific documents.

Separate from this course, I do sell templates and provide education on clinical documentation such as intakes, discharge, treatment planning and treatment review. This resource is available for purchase and can be found here.

The building blocks of starting a business are the same regardless if it is a clinical or non clinical business. Marketing strategies and copywriting skills are universal however there are some small differences such as not requiring a NPI number or intake paperwork specifics that are important to not.

If you are a coach looking to add therapy, or vice versa, I STRONGLY recommend that you keep everything separate. Meaning, having 2 different businesses: 2 different ideal clients, 2 different banks, 2 different liability insurances, 2 different websites, etc..

If you have specific questions regarding if the group program will help your needs, please reach out to Alexandria prior to purchasing the program in order to decide if it is a good fit as well as point you in the direction of helpful resources that match your specific situation (if needed). Questions as well as a brief description of your circumstances can be emailed to:

This program will be going over the core components of business ownership: mindset, sales, marketing, copywriting, networking and developing an ideal client avatar. If you believe you are struggling in any of there categories and are looking for a foundational course then yes this group can meet your needs.

Firstly, blogging allows you to establish yourself as an authority in your field. By regularly publishing high-quality content related to your area of expertise, you can demonstrate your knowledge and build trust with potential clients.

Secondly, blogging can help you to attract more traffic to your website. By optimizing your blog posts for relevant keywords, you can improve your search engine rankings and make it easier for people to find your website when they are searching for information related to your services.

Finally, blogging can also be a great way to connect with your audience on a more personal level. By sharing your thoughts, experiences, and insights through your blog, you can create a sense of rapport with your readers and make them feel more comfortable reaching out to you for help. This is exceptionally important for clients who will be paying out of pocket and not using insurance benefits, as people do not want to spend $200/hr on services that they do not have full confidences in helping them find an answer to their problem.

Overall, blogging can be an incredibly effective marketing strategy for newly licensed therapists who are looking to build their reputation, attract more traffic to their website, and connect with potential clients in a meaningful way.

No. We will be focusing on organic marketing strategies such as networking, blogging, SEO and social media as it is essential to have a rock solid and proven system first before pouring money into paid ads. Money is an accelerant. A multiplier. You want to be sure you have a proven system that is continuously getting leads before you pour gasoline on that fire.

Absolutely. I would never want you to make an investment that does not feel good for you and that includes your family. Take your time and only make the leap when you feel the investment is right for you.

Please know though that as the content gets updated so does the price meaning I cannot guarantee that the price you see today will be the same price if you come back 6-12 months from now. I say this not to scare you but to be completely transparent.

When I started my virtual private practice in 2020 all in expenses were under $1,000, with many of those expenses being annual memberships.

This investment bought me a ticket out of my high stress agency job, saving me money on therapy sessions (which I was doing weekly to address burnout), grocery bills (less stress eating and road meals between jobs), and sick days (no more need to take off work for exhaustion induced illnesses). This and I was generally happier which was an added benefit to my marriage, friends and overall mental wellbeing.

What is the value (monetary or otherwise) you place on having a life of freedom: focusing on your wealth, health and happiness?

Newly licensed therapists who remain in their low paying high stress agency job instead of starting their private therapy practice are:

  • Missing out on the potential for a higher income as private therapy practices offer the opportunity to set higher fees for their services and can benefit from a more flexible schedule.
  • Giving up control. Starting a private therapy practice can provide the therapist with greater control over their case load, meaning they can select clients who align with their values and interests. This can lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding career.
  • Devaluing their time. Private therapy practices offer greater control over the therapist’s time, allowing them to balance their professional and personal lives more effectively.

Please read our full group program terms and conditions here.

woman in black long sleeve shirt holding white ceramic mug

Build a Profitable Practice with Expert Guidance

Join our program today and take the first step towards building a successful private practice.

Our hand selected group of peers is here to guide and support you every step of the way.

Firsthand knowledge of the challenges and obstacles you may face, will provide you with practical guidance and tools to overcome them.