Money Mindset: What the heck does that have to do with my private practice?

The Hidden Power of Positive Money Mindset for Therapists

What is a money mindset Image

Imagine stepping into a therapy session with a client who is struggling with financial stress only to realize that your own money mindset is clouding your ability to help them effectively. Money mindset goes beyond mere numbers; it delves deep into our subconscious beliefs about worthiness, value, and abundance – all of which have direct implications on how we run our therapy businesses.

Money mindset is a powerful force that influences our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors surrounding finances. It shapes the way we perceive money, abundance, and success, ultimately impacting every aspect of our lives – including our professional endeavors. In the realm of therapy businesses, understanding and cultivating a positive money mindset can make all the difference between thriving success and stagnation.

From setting prices to attracting clients, managing expenses to investing in growth opportunities, the lens through which therapists view money plays a crucial role in shaping the trajectory of their practice.

This post will talk about the basics of a money mindset: what is it, how it can impact your practice and various resources that can help you cultivate your headspace around money.

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What Is A “Money Mindset”?

A money mindset is more than just how you handle your finances; it’s a deep-seated belief system that influences your entire relationship with money. This mentality shapes your attitudes towards wealth, success, and abundance, impacting both your financial decisions and overall well-being.

Developing a positive money mindset involves recognizing and challenging any negative beliefs or fears surrounding money while cultivating an attitude of abundance and gratitude.

Moreover, a healthy money mindset goes beyond simply accumulating wealth; it encompasses the understanding that true prosperity comes from aligning your values with your financial goals. By adopting a growth-oriented perspective towards money, you can transform your relationship with wealth into one that is fulfilling, purpose-driven, and sustainable in the long run. Embracing an empowered money mindset allows you to make conscious choices about how you earn, spend, save, and invest your resources to create a life of abundance and authenticity.

Why Is Having A Money Mindset Important?

Having the right money mindset is crucial for achieving success in business. It goes beyond just making money; it’s about having a healthy relationship with finances and understanding the value of investments. Entrepreneurs with a strong money mindset are more likely to take calculated risks, make strategic financial decisions, and handle challenges effectively. They view money as a tool for growth and leverage it to create opportunities rather than being controlled by it.

Furthermore, a positive money mindset can drive innovation and creativity within a business. When entrepreneurs see money as a resource to fund their ideas and fuel their passion, they become more innovative in finding ways to generate revenue and scale their ventures. By focusing on abundance rather than scarcity, they attract more opportunities and cultivate a culture of prosperity within their organizations. Ultimately, developing a healthy money mindset is not just important for financial success but also plays a significant role in fostering overall business growth and sustainability.

In her free and paid content Amanda Frances, self proclaimed Money Queen talks extensively about how to fine tune your mental and spiritual energy into a state that is open to accepting and spending money. Full transparency, when I first heard of her I was not a fan. The more I listened however the more I realized that was my money mindset projecting the belief of “spoiled rich LA princess” and how that projection of money was also impacting my business decisions.

For a candid review of Amanda’s work, click here for my blog post.

Amanda also runs a Money Mentality Makeover Course (affiliate link) which is highly recommended. If you have not already seen her stuff I highly recommend checking it out, she has a TON of free content so you can get a feel for her style, which I appreciate since her course is an investment.

Amanda Frances Money Mentality Makeover Course
Amanda Frances Money Mentality Makeover Course (Affiliate Link)

Money Mindset Blocks: My Personal Experience As A Business Owner

As a business owner, I can relate to the challenges you’ve faced with money mindset blocks. I had a difficulty time following up on the boundary I had set in my contract about no show/late cancelation fees. I felt guilty for “taking their money” however, it’s important to remember that clients are paying for your time and expertise, and setting these boundaries is crucial for the sustainability of your business.

Setting and raising fees can also be a daunting task, especially when starting out. When I fist opened my practice doors, I had difficulty setting and raising my fees. I felt as a new private practice I had to be lower in price, but the reality was I wasn’t a new therapist, I was just working at a new location. If the situation were instead changing agency jobs, rarely would I ever take a pay cut so why should I do so in my own practice?

It’s easy to undervalue your services, but it’s essential to recognize your worth and adjust your fees accordingly. Just like in any other profession, you deserve fair compensation for your skills and experience. In the words of money mindset coach Denise DT: “I serve, I deserve.”

Imposter syndrome can often be at the root of these money mindset blocks (at least that is what it was for me). It’s a common struggle among entrepreneurs, but with self-reflection and support, it’s possible to overcome these limiting beliefs.

If you find yourself grappling with imposter syndrome and its impact on your business decisions, seeking guidance from a coach like myself can be immensely beneficial in breaking free from these mental barriers. Feel free to reach out for a coaching session to help you navigate through these challenges and thrive in your entrepreneurial journey. More information on my coaching services can be found here or by emailing me at

5 Practical Examples of How To Incorporate A Money Mindset In Business

Setting Financial Goals: Discussing the importance of setting specific and achievable financial goals to help guide spending and saving habits.

Budgeting Basics: Providing tips on creating a budget, tracking expenses, and identifying areas where money can be saved.

Investing for the Future: Highlighting the benefits of investing early and regularly to build wealth over time.

Overcoming Scarcity Mindset: Addressing common beliefs that may hinder financial growth, such as fear of scarcity or lack.

Cultivating an Abundance Mindset: Encouraging positive thinking around money, focusing on opportunities for growth and prosperity

Money Mindset Book Recommendations (Affiliate Links)

money mindset book recommendation: Chill and Prosper by Denise Duffield Thomas

Denise Duffield-Thomas

Denise is a laid back business owner who has a great relaxed viewpoint on building a lifestyle centered around your passions and manifesting the money to support it. Chill & Prosper is one of her newer books. She has also published 3 other books about manifestation and money mindset, all of which are fantastic and worth the read.

Out of the three money mindset coach, Denise has a “California beach” vibe.

money mindset book recommendation: Rich as F*uck by Amanda Frances

Amanda Frances

Out of the three money mindset coach, Amanda is very much an “LA” vibe. Her teaching style is not for everyone but I very much appreciate her no BS approach to business and that she is unapologetically herself. Amanda is the perfect example of how consistent imperfect action can build you the business of your dreams. Also, to be unashamed to price your services at what they are valued at… no apologies. Her book “Rich as F*ck” is a great way to get your feet wet with her as her courses are expensive (great, but pricy).

money mindset book recommendation: Money A love story by Kate Northrup

Kate Northrup

I appreciate how Kate thinks of money in a holistic sense and considers the connections between business ownership and physical health. For someone who likes “whoo-whoo” Kate’s book Money: A Love Story is great at connecting the spiritual and the practical. Out of the three money mindset coach, Kate has a “Maine/New England” vibe.

Try Audible Premium Plus and Get Up to Two Free Audiobooks (affiliate link)

Money Mindset Tips and Best Practices

Tip 1: Gratitude

By focusing on the abundance in your life rather than what you lack, you can attract more opportunities for financial growth. This shift in perspective can lead to increased satisfaction with your current financial situation and help you set realistic goals for the future.

Tip 2: Adopting A Growth Mindset

Instead of viewing financial setbacks as failures, see them as learning experiences that can help you make better decisions in the future. By embracing challenges and seeking out opportunities for personal and financial development, you can create a more resilient and adaptable approach to managing your finances.

Tip 3: Hire A Coach and/or Do The Inner Work To Overcome Blocks

By unraveling the complexities of one’s relationship with money and consciously shifting towards a positive and empowered perspective, therapists can not only enhance their financial prosperity but also provide more impactful support to those seeking healing within their practice.

Book a coaching call with Alexandria Theordor, business coach for mental health therapists

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, money mindset plays a crucial role in the success of a therapy business. By understanding and addressing limiting beliefs around money, therapists can create a positive relationship with finances that ultimately benefits their practice. A healthy money mindset can lead to increased confidence, financial stability, and the ability to set and achieve business goals. Therapists who cultivate a positive money mindset are more likely to attract abundance and prosperity into their practice. It is essential for therapists to explore and shift their money mindset in order to thrive professionally and personally. Take the first step towards transforming your relationship with money today for a more prosperous therapy business tomorrow.

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