Digital Marketing

How can I make money from home? 10 Must-Know Websites For Launching a Non Clinical Business

How do therapists make money from home as a side hustle?

Probably the most common question I get asked as a business coach for mental health professionals.

I get it. It can be overwhelming to think of creative outside of the box ideas for how to get some extra money without having to increase your clinical caseload.

The idea of starting a side business as a therapist can seem daunting, but with the right tools and strategies in place, anyone can turn their entrepreneurial vision into a reality. With the rise of digital technology, there are countless websites available to help mental health professionals on their journey from beginner to successful entrepreneur. This article will provide a overview of the my top websites for launching a non clinical side business and provide valuable insight into how each can be utilized.

Table of Contents

DISCLAIMER: Some of the links on this website are affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission if you click on the link or make a purchase using the link. When you make a purchase, the price you pay will be the same whether you use the affiliate link or go directly to the vendor’s website using a non-affiliate link.

For your convenience we have listed our affiliate partners here: Amazon, Headway, Alma, Kate Doster, Elizabeth Goddard, Tonic Site Shop, Branden Drake, Canva, Mailerlite, ConvertKit, WordHero AI, ThriveCart, Airtable, System io, SimplePractice.

Though the products may not created by us, our opinions of the products are entirely our own. We only recommend products that we love and stand behind in hopes they help you as much as they helped us. By using the affiliate links, you are helping support this website, and I genuinely appreciate your support as it helps me to continue to create content such as this.

Make Money From Home With Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates is an affiliate marketing program that can help you earn money from home by recommending products that you know and trust. With Amazon Associates, you can earn income on qualifying purchases your customers make. The program provides easy-to-use tools and resources to help you get started quickly. All you need to do is sign up, create a unique link and start earning commissions on qualifying purchases made through your link. Place these links in blog posts and YouTube channels to be accessed by others.

Pro Tip: Amazon has very strict rules on where you can and cannot post. Be sure to review the rules otherwise you will get kicked out of the program.

The benefit of participating in the program is that it requires no upfront cost or minimum sales requirements. You also have access to various advertising materials such as banners, text links and product widgets so you can easily promote your link across multiple platforms. As your customers make purchases through your unique link, you’ll begin earning commission fees based on the amount of sales generated by your site or blog. Each “click” is good for 24 hours, so if a product is purchased during that window there is a good chance that you will get paid.

Make Money From Home With Amazon KDP

Are you an expert in something that would be helpful for others to learn? Or maybe you have a creative soul? Writing books is a great way to earn money from the comfort of your own home. With Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), people can self-publish their work, reach readers all over the world, and even get paid for it. KDP is an exciting platform that allows authors to make money while pursuing their passion and creativity.

Authors can use KDP to publish eBooks or print books at no cost and without any hassle. Once your book is published on Amazon’s website, you will be able to set the price for each sale and get royalties for every copy sold. Additionally, you are also able to access a range of tools that help you promote your book online so it can reach more potential buyers. You will also have access to valuable analytics that show how well your book is performing in different markets around the world.

Pro Tip: If you are doing events in person (think markets or workshops) buy author copies at a discounted price and sell then at your event.

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Make Money From Home With BlueHost & WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) available today, and it has become an increasingly popular way to make money from home. With WordPress, you can create a blog or website that can generate income with minimal upfront costs and virtually no technical expertise. When it comes to earning money from home with WordPress, there are several options available. You can monetize your site through affiliate programs or display ads on your site for extra income. You can also sell your own products, courses and newsletters directly to your customer (without having to pay a fee to platforms like Etsy). Additionally, you could offer services such as web design or online courses for people looking for help in a certain area. WordPress is available through many website hosting sites, I personally use (and have used for years) BlueHost. It is affordable and I have had good experiences with their customer services, which has kept me a loyal customer.

Pro Tip: Use WordHero AI to help write content faster! The average blog post for a beginner takes between 6-8hrs to write. This is A LOT of time for anyone, let alone a busy mom. Using WordHero AI helps me cut that time by 30-50%. They are also one of the most affordable AI platforms I have seen when you purchase their lifetime deal. Learn more here.

Make Money From Home With YouTube

As the world continues to rely more and more on digital platforms, the potential to earn money from home is becoming increasingly realistic. YouTube is one of the most popular platforms with over two billion users spending an average of eleven minutes per day watching content. This makes it a great platform for creating a steady income stream while working from home.

Making money on YouTube requires creativity and dedication but it can be incredibly rewarding. You need to create quality content that your audience will find interesting, valuable, or entertaining in order to grow your channel’s viewers and subscribers. Once you have grown your audience, you can start monetizing through ads and affiliate links which can generate revenue for every viewer who watches your video or clicks on an advertisement linked to your channel. Additionally, you may be able to secure sponsorships or product placements which could result in even greater earnings for each video posted.

Pro Tip: Repackage blog posts into YouTube videos (and vice versa) to save you time on content creation.

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Make Money From Home With Spoonflower

If you are looking for a creative way to make money from home, consider Spoonflower is an online marketplace that allows people to design, print and sell their own fabric designs, wallpaper and gift wrap. With the help of this website, anyone can become a successful designer-entrepreneur with minimal risk and very little investment required. By creating unique fabric designs or utilizing existing patterns and artwork, you can create unique products that will be available for purchase on the Spoonflower site.

The best part about using Spoonflower as your income source is that it requires only a few basic steps to get started: firstly, you need to register on the site; secondly, upload any original designs or choose from their vast library of images; thirdly, set pricing for each product; lastly list your products in their marketplace so potential customers can browse them.

Pro Tip: Create patterns and artwork in sets of 3 so that you have multiple products with a similar vibe, creating a mini collection. Use the same colors and/or patterns across all. More products means more opportunities for someone to buy.

Make Money From Home With Canva

Are you looking for a way to make extra money from home? Canva is an online graphic design tool that may be the perfect opportunity for you. This program allows users to easily create beautiful graphics, logos, and designs with its user-friendly platform. With this program, anyone can make money working from home without any prior experience in graphic design.

Canva offers many resources and tutorials to help beginners get started quickly. Once you become familiar with the platform, you can start creating designs and selling them on Canva’s Marketplace. There are also opportunities to create custom projects for clients or companies who need creative visuals for their business. It’s also possible to monetize your skills by offering services such as logo creation or website design services for a fee on freelance sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

Pro Tip: Use Daily Art Hub for free commercial images to add to your Canva creations.

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Make Money From Home With Etsy

Etsy is a great way to make money from the comfort of your own home. This popular online marketplace provides an easy-to-use platform for creative entrepreneurs, allowing them to sell their handmade products and vintage items without having to manage their own website or store. With over 40 million active buyers, Etsy provides an opportunity for anyone with crafty talents to start making money on the side.

From creating custom jewelry and artwork to selling vintage clothing and antiques, there are endless possibilities when it comes to earning income through Etsy. Setting up a shop is easy and sellers can customize their page with photos, descriptions and pricing so that customers can find exactly what they’re looking for. While there are certain fees associated with listing items on Etsy, these costs pale in comparison to what you would pay if you were operating an offline retail business or ecommerce site of your own.

Make Money From Home With Printify is an online platform that lets users create their own custom apparel and products, allowing them to earn income from home. From t-shirts to mugs, Printify offers a wide selection of customizable items for users to design and personalize. The process is simple: sign up, choose your design or customize one of Printify’s already created pieces, select the product you want to print on, and launch it into the world! With Printify’s easy-to-use website, users can create their own independent business from the comfort of their own homes.

Not only does Printify provide ease of access for entrepreneurs looking to earn extra income at home but also takes care of fulfilling orders as well. With numerous shipping partners across the U.S., Canada and Europe, customers receive quick delivery times no matter where they are located globally.

Pro Tip: Connect your Printify and Etsy accounts for easy sales.

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Make Money From Home With Skillshare

If you’re looking for a way to earn an income from home without needing to invest a large amount of money, might be the perfect solution for you. This online learning platform allows anyone with a skill or knowledge to share their expertise with others in the form of classes. For each class you create and teach, Skillshare pays its instructors based on watch time—the more students who view your course, the more money you make.

To get started, all it takes is an interesting idea for a course and some creativity in expressing it. Once your course has been created and submitted for review, Skillshare provides promotional tools that can help maximize your reach and ensure as many people as possible find out about what you’re offering.

Pro Tip: Not sure what you could teach? Two ways to come up with a topic: 1)Think about something you struggled with and how you over came it. 2) Ask someone else what they think you would be good at teaching.

Make Money From Home With ConvertKit

ConvertKit is a powerful and reliable tool for building an email list and boosting sales. It provides access to powerful features that enable businesses to segment their subscribers, customize automated emails, and track metrics. By taking advantage of these tools, businesses can create highly targeted campaigns to increase engagement with their audience and boost sales.

One way ConvertKit can be used is through automation sequences which allow businesses to automatically send out emails at strategically timed intervals. This helps to ensure that customers stay engaged with the business’s content, remain interested in its products or services, and are led down the path towards conversion. Moreover, ConvertKit also provides insights into what works best for each customer so that businesses can further refine their campaigns for better results.

A well-crafted email list is one of the most effective ways for online businesses to reach potential customers and drive more sales over time.

Pro Tip: Join the free “Grow your Audience Challenge” and gain access to videos on how to create and use landing pages to grow you business. Learn more by reading my earlier post here.

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In conclusion, launching a non clinical side business can be a daunting task, but with the right resources and support network, it’s possible to take your business from an idea to reality. The websites outlined in this article offer invaluable advice and guidance when it comes to learning what digital platforms are available to start and grow an online business all from the comforts of your home. Best yet, all these business possibilities can be done on your schedule and can be scaled up or down depending on how fast you are looking to grow. The possibilities are endless and I hope that one (or multiple) of these websites provide all the information you need to make your dreams a reality.

If you are looking for help on how to start and grow your non clinical side business while protecting your license and ethical responsibilities, reach out to schedule a consultation or coaching session by emailing More information can also be fond here.

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