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Amanda Frances: Complete Review (Part 1: Money Mama Edition)

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An honest review about Amanda Frances, the renowned money mentality coach and mom-boss from the perspective of a private practice therapist and mom-boss. Dive into this candid review now!

This is not my typical blog post style, but something inside me was called to write a journal like post to women in business, specifically the mamas and step mamas out there. 

If this is not your style, please feel free to skip this post and come back when I am more on topic with my typical private practice/business content (and please don’t send me hate mail, I still am a person and those words hurt hard even when it comes from an anonymous online source).

But for those of you who are interested…

Let’s take a moment to talk about Amanda Frances

a multi-millionaire in the money mindset world, business owner and host of her signature program Money Mentality Makeover, step mom of two, and boy-mom with another (girl) on the way. 

I first came into Amanda’s world with her book, Rich as F–K, primarily through a friend’s recommendation. When I first heard her speak, I was not a fan….

The Louis Vuitton Shoes

The massive cleavage 

The “LA Voice”

The cursing ( so much cursing… do not listen out loud around children)

All of it just rubbed me the wrong way.

She gave off a “spoiled rich brat vibe” that just made me sick to my stomach

Yet… despite these feelings, finished her book. 

More than that, I downloaded her podcast and listened to her speak there.

Then I re-read her book (twice)

And bought the audio book on Audible.

Why would I continue to listen to a woman that gave me such an “ick” feeling?! 

It didn’t make sense to me at all…

Until one day it clicked.

It wasn’t HER that was giving me the gross feeling, it was my money mindset.

I was responding to the fact that her personality “wasn’t polished enough” to be “worthy” of a multi-million dollar brand. In my head, somewhere, somehow, there was an automatic thought that said “perfection = profitable” and anything less than the polished, perfect image was unacceptable of charging people money.

Now you can only imagine how ridiculous this must sound (and feel) as I am saying it outload to myself, trying to process this cognitive distortion. But the reality is, everything Amanda was talking about.. Money blocks, mindset, manifestation barriers, I was living.

At that moment I became a customer and purchased two of her bundles: Drop the Money Struggle first and then her Holiday Business Bundle

At the time of this post being published (December 2023), I have listened to her lectures multiple times on repeat and have yet to pass the 4th module. Mostly because I keep noticing new cognitive distortions (aka money blocks) each time I listen. I then spend time working through them, again and again.

I am taking my time really digesting her content because I recognize how much my thoughts on money impact my business and personal life. More specifically, the scarcity fears that haunt me, pushing me to work more and more, harder and harder, until I reach a wall of burnout or guilt for not doing enough… the exact OPPOSITE of what I want in life.


Back to my original reason for this post.

Today this week Amanda Frances dropped a new course: Money Mama, and though I have not yet purchased it, I was really struck by her content in her sales page that got me thinking a lot about the tightrope of balancing motherhood and business ownership.

I know for myself being both a toddler mom and business owner, I struggle with finding a balance daily. There are days where I feel super successful in the fact that I was able to leave my deadened agency job to build my own private practice – making the same amount of money working half the time.

And again when my daughter was born, restructuring my business so I could be home with her full time, only working 2 hrs a day at night, and still making a solid profit margin with only 10 hrs a week—  selling digital products and seeing 3 clinical clients.

I work hard to block out the outside voices (aka: “judgments”) of others and focus exclusively on what my heart says is right. 

It is difficult to do, and I admire Amanda for modeling how she does it. She makes it look effortless, mostly because she has taken on a mindset that she does not need to “work hard” to make money. Instead she looks inward at what feels good to her – what aligns with her soul mission– and finds the “easy” path. “Easy” not because she isn’t working hard, but because she is doing things that are aligned with her talents and passions and letting go of (or delegating) the tasks that go against her grain.

THIS is a business model I admire greatly, and is something I believe is essential for all boss-moms if there is going to be some type of “work life balance” with as little guilt as possible.

But don’t take my word for it, give her stuff a read for yourself. 

I am not saying go buy the course today (though if you feel called to, by all means don’t let me hold you back, i just know her stuff is pricy), what I am saying is read over her sales page content, specifically the parts where she talks about “having it all” and let me know what you think. 

>> Read Amanda’s Money Mama sales page content here. 

If this is something that strikes a chord with you, I would love to talk more about it as I believe it is not talked about enough, not just for women and moms, but especially in the therapeutic field as many therapists appear to be money talk allergic.

And for those of you who are thinking “if you don’t care about the sales, why are you using affiliate links”— because I want to know how many of you are interested in this topic. Money mindset and being a mom-boss are two things I am passionate about, but it may or may not be a large part of your life like it is mine. The affiliate links tell me how many people click (not who clicks unless a purchase is made– sometimes) so I know more about  if it is a topic worth discussing again in the future.

That being said, 

I know this post is a deviation from my norm. If you like it (the topic, the style, both) and want more like this please send me an email and let me know what you liked:

If it is popular, I will maybe do a Part 2 and 3 for the courses I complete once I complete them and let you know my full opinions. 

If it is not your cup of tea, please come back and try a different post as this is a special one (and please don’t send me hate mail, I still am a person and those words hurt hard even when it comes from an anonymous online source)

Thanks for reading 🙂



money mindset coach denies dunfield-thomas book cover

Denise Duffield-Thomas

Denise is a laid back business owner who has a great relaxed viewpoint on building a lifestyle centered around your passions and manifesting the money to support it. Chill & Prosper is one of her newer books. She has also published 3 other books about manifestation and money mindset, all of which are fantastic and worth the read.

Out of the three money mindset coach, Denise has a “California beach” vibe.

ananda frances book cover

Amanda Frances

Out of the three money mindset coach, Amanda is very much an “LA” vibe. Her teaching style is not for everyone but I very much appreciate her no BS approach to business and that she is unapologetically herself. Amanda is the perfect example of how consistent imperfect action can build you the business of your dreams. Also, to be unashamed to price your services at what they are valued at… no apologies. Her book “Rich as F*ck” is a great way to get your feet wet with her as her courses are expensive (great, but pricy).

money mindset coach kate northrup book cover

Kate Northrup

I appreciate how Kate thinks of money in a holistic sense and considers the connections between business ownership and physical health. For someone who likes “whoo-whoo” Kate’s book Money: A Love Story is great at connecting the spiritual and the practical. Out of the three money mindset coach, Kate has a “Maine/New England” vibe.

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Amanda Frances’s Money Mentality Makeover (Online Course)

It amazes me how many therapist I meet are “allergic” to money. I see it when they are afraid to follow up on a cancelation policy, or stressing over if they should raise their rate. The reality is, you are providing a SERVICE and DESRERVE to be compensated appropriately. You wouldn’t expect to go to the doctor for free, or to call a plumber for an emergency service and have it “on the house.” So why as therapists, do we pressure ourselves charge as little for our services as possible. I really appreciate Amanda’s no BS attitude and find here courses a fantastic model of imperfect action. She only opens Money Mentality Makeover a few times a year, however if you are looking to learn more about it you can click on the waitlist page here. I am currently enrolled in Drop The Money Struggle and the Holiday Business Bundle and am very much enjoying both. She also recently launched Money Mama, a program specifically for Moms and business ownership, which I excited to learn more about.

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