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3 Ways Relational Marketing Can Grow Your Private Practice

Therapeutic entrepreneurs have a unique challenge when it comes to marketing- how do you build meaningful connections when your work is so personal? It can be hard to strike a balance between professional marketing and the personal nature of therapeutic services.

The flip side to the coin is, because our work is so personal, therapists make the best marketers because we know exactly what our clients are looking for and what pain points cause them to seek out therapy services. This insight is a huge asset in any therapeutic entrepreneurs pocket, and when used responsibly can act as beacon of hope, signaling to clients in need where they can find the best help available.

There are tactics that can help therapeutic entrepreneurs successfully (and ethically) market their practice through building meaningful relationships designed to help their business grow. This article will discuss three digital platforms that are commonly used in the mental health field today as a way to provide psychoeducation, build relationships, and share your unique service message with the local community.

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Some of the links on this website are affiliate links, which means that I may earn a commission if you click on the link or make a purchase using the link. When you make a purchase, the price you pay will be the same whether you use the affiliate link or go directly to the vendor’s website using a non-affiliate link.

For your convenience we have listed our affiliate partners here: Amazon, Headway, Alma, Kate Doster, Elizabeth Goddard, Tonic Site Shop, Branden Drake, Canva, Mailerlite, ConvertKit, WordHero AI, ThriveCart, Airtable, System io, SimplePractice.

Though the products may not created by us, our opinions of the products are entirely our own. We only recommend products that we love and stand behind in hopes they help you as much as they helped us. By using the affiliate links, you are helping support this website, and I genuinely appreciate your support as it helps me to continue to create content such as this.

What is relational marketing?

Relational marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on customer satisfaction and retention rather than sales transactions (Wikipedia). It recognizes that customers are more likely to remain loyal if they receive communication which isn’t just focused on making sales. This form of marketing extends communication beyond intrusive advertising, instead emphasizing the long-term value of customer relationships.

For therapists, this often means creating and displaying lots of psychoeducational material about mental health in order to raise awareness. By creating strong relationships with customers, businesses create trust and loyalty with the public, therefor improving customer service and increasing customer retention rates in the long run.

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Why is relational marketing management important for your therapy business?

Relational marketing is a key factor in the success of any business, but especially for therapists. It involves promoting yourself and your services to not only potential clients but also to other professionals in the same field. Establishing relationships with others provides an opportunity for networking and referrals that are essential for long-term success as potential clients are much more likely to trust a direct referral then simply looking up an unknown name in a directory.

Many of us are familiar with the traditional Psychology Today profile where clients can search for a practitioner using a directory style service, comparable to the way they look for a pair of shoes online using Amazon. Don’t get me wrong, Psychology Today is great, and have provided hundreds of referrals for my clinical practice. However finding a good therapeutic fit is so much more then a bio and a profile photo.

Clients deserve to know the voice behind picture and get a strong idea about what they can expect from therapy before signing up. We are asking them to discuss their most vulnerable feelings and pains, it is our responsibility as counselors to make sure that we are in fact the right person for them BEFORE they pour their heart out.

So what does this look like? For some it is discovery calls– an initial screening call done prior to scheduling an intake. Others it is professional speaking presentations and workshops. All fantastic marketing opportunities, however both require that interaction to happen at a certain place/time, limiting you to certain hours of the day. These engagements are often scheduled during business hours which takes away available time slots for paying clients.

It can be difficult to find time to promote your business if your practice is already full, or if you are working a fulltime job as you build your dream practice. What if there was a way that you could use the time between sessions, or off hours where it is hard to find clients, and maximize that time for marketing? Thankfully, digital marketing strategies has created an easy way to put your business in the spotlight on a schedule that works for you.

Relational Marketing Strategy: Blogging

Marketing is an essential tool for any new run business, and blogging (in my biased opinion) is one of the best strategies to make that happen. Not only does blogging allow entrepreneurs to share their ideas and connect with like-minded individuals, it also provides a platform for business owners to display their industry knowledge.

By sharing stories, tips, experiences, or even advice on how to get ahead in their business endeavors, entrepreneurs can reach a wide range of potential customers and business partners while simultaneously building networking relationships that can help them reach success.

Bloggers have the unique advantage of being able to establish themselves as experts in their field and build credibility among potential clients. By taking the time to write quality content that is interesting and informative readers will be more likely to trust what they read and come back for more information.

Especially in the field of mental health, there are hundreds of different challenges that someone can be struggling with ranging from mild situational anxiety to psychoses. Not every practitioner is trained or competent in every symptomology or modality, therefore it is important for clients to trust that whomever they are working, with has the abilities to help them.

Blogging about your unique specialty and treatment style is a great way for clients (as well as other potential referring providers) to get a feel for how you work and what you excel at. Think of it as giving potential referrals a way to “test drive” therapy by learning what they can expect.

No, I am not saying that blogging is in anyway a substitute for therapy, but it can very much give someone an ideal of what to expect, especially if the only idea they they have of therapy is lying on a couch and talking about their dreams.

For an example of what a therapy blog can look like visit Body and Mind Counseling LLC’s post on perfectionism, here.

Relational Marketing Strategy: YouTube

YouTube’s powerful platform offers numerous benefits for those in the therapeutic field. For one, it allows therapists to create dynamic content that appeals to a wide variety of people. Videos can be customized with titles, descriptions and tags that target specific audiences. This makes it easy for therapists to promote their services while capturing their target demographic’s attention. With over two billion active users every month, YouTube has the potential to connect therapists with contacts around the world.

As of now licensing restrictions limit therapists to seeing clients only within the state they are licensed in, HOWEVER a worldwide reach is great for networking and showcasing your brand. By developing a positive reputation as an expert in XYZ, this opens the door for speaking engagements, publications, networking events, and maybe even the potential referral. The more exposer you can obtain that shines a positive light on your services, the more comfortable people will be referring clients your way, and the more comfortable clients will be signing up for your services.

Relational Marketing Strategy: Podcasts

With the rise in popularity of podcasts, there are many ways therapists can benefit from this platform as a marketing strategy. Like blogging and YouTube, podcasts offer a platform for therapists to share their expertise and demonstrate why they are qualified to help others in need of therapy services. As such, podcasting provides an effective marketing tool that allows therapists to establish themselves as experts in their field while also providing potential clients access to quality information on mental health topics they may be struggling with.

Where podcasts differ is that it is an audio only platform that promotes accessibility in a way that visual platforms do not. If your ideal client is a busy mom on the go, or someone who travels a lot for work, they might not have time to sit and read a post or watch a video. They may however have time to listen to a podcast as they commute or at the gym.

woman in black tank top sitting on chair in front of microphone demonstrating podcasting as a form of relational marketing
Have you tried podcasting?

Relational Marketing Strategy: Email Marketing

Affiliate Link Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to recommended products that I use and love. If you click through and purchase something using a link below, I can potentially receive a small commission. I only recommend products that I have tried and love. Thank you for your support of my small business!

No matter what relational marketing platform you choose, it is essential for you to start building an email list as soon as possible. Having an email list of followers allows you to stay in communication with individuals interested in your products or services.

You can inform them of upcoming events, promotions, and services when they arise. Email is also great for your followers to be in communication with you, so that you know exactly what they are looking for and can personalize services as your market evolves.

I use and love ConvertKit for this exact reason. It is FREE for startups (up to 1000 subscribers EVEN AFTER the 14 day trial) and allows you to sell your products/services/newsletters directly on the site in ADDITION TO building your email list. Learn more about ConvertKit here.

Learn more about ConvertKit’s FREE 30 Day Grow your Audience Challenge

NOTE: Convertkit is NOT HIPAA COMPLIANT so do not use this for active clinical client work.

EMF Mockup 1
No idea what to write to your email list? Let Email Marketing Fairy tell you exactly what you need to say and when to say it. Learn more by clicking here (affiliate link)

Important Things to Consider Before You Start Relational Marketing

  • Know your state board and ethics requirements for your specific certification before beginning your marketing campaign. It is important that no matter what platform you do, you are practicing good ethics. In mental health, people can be vulnerable and desperate for help. You do not want to take advantage of that vulnerability in your marketing. Instead, think about how you are informing people of your services, not trying to convince them to buy.
  • Be mindful of boundaries— you are marketing your services though education, you are not providing therapy services via your digital platform. I strongly recommend having some type of disclaimer notice somewhere on your marketing material to cover your bases. When in doubt, consult with your malpractice provider and/or legal services.
  • Do not spam people… plain and simple.

In short, don’t do anything you wouldn’t want your mother, clients, or lawyer to see.

What Relational Marketing Platform Is Best For You?

Affiliate Link Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to recommended products that I use and love. If you click through and purchase something using a link below, I can potentially receive a small commission. I only recommend products that I have tried and love. Thank you for your support of my small business!

It’s important to have the right relational marketing platform to promote yourself and your brand. It can be difficult to choose which platform is best for you and your goals, but by following a few simple steps, you can easily find the one that suits you best.

  1. Think about what type of content you will be posting on the platform? Do you want to create videos? What kind of topics do you plan to discuss? Consider this when selecting a platform as some are better at video-based content while others may focus more on written posts. Knowing what type of content works best on each site will help narrow down your options.
  2. How much time and money you are willing to invest in the platform? Online services can be low cost to run especially if you do most of the work yourself. Like anything though, time is money, so there are options on how to expedite your content creation if you are short on time and looking to grow fast. (For example, I like using WordHero to help with writing and editing blog posts.) If you are happy with taking the slow and steady route, many of these platforms can get you started for free or under $100.
  3. Where do your skills shine? Do you have the technology skills to edit a video or audio clip, or is writing more your style?
  4. What do you enjoy doing? This is probably the most important because with any marketing strategy, consistency is key. If you are passionate about something, that will come through in your work. People tend to be forgiving of human errors, like typos, if they can tell you are knowledgeable and passionate about what you are taking about.

At the end of the day, there is no wrong answer. It can be scary and overwhelming to put yourself and your business out there for all the world to see, but take it from me…you have a lot to offer! The only way to help people is if people know you exist. So even if you are feeling nervous, I challenge you to take an action step anyway. Imperfect action is better than no action at all. Know that change is uncomfortable, but without change there is no growth.

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